Volunteer Attorneys Make a Difference in WNC
More than 250 volunteer attorneys provide thousands of hours of free legal help to our low-income neighbors each year. Volunteer attorneys are changing lives in our region. Thank you!
How Volunteer Attorneys Help
- Volunteer attorneys provide legal representation, brief consultation and advice to Pisgah Legal clients, who have been interviewed to ensure they are eligible for our services.
- Volunteers assist with a wide array of civil legal matters, including landlord/tenant law, protective orders and family law remedies for domestic violence victims, consumer law, advanced directives, elder law, and public benefits.
Training & Support for Volunteer Attorneys
- Pisgah Legal Services provides training (including free CLEs), mentoring and co-counseling opportunities for volunteer attorneys.
- Pisgah Legal Services’ malpractice insurance covers the activities of our volunteer attorneys.
Frequently Asked Questions
Click here for answers to frequently asked questions.
Want to get involved?
- Do you have an active NC law license? Fill out this form to indicate your interest in volunteering or contact Julia Horrocks at 828-210-3435. Learn more about the Mountain Area Volunteer Lawyer Program here.
- Are you a retired attorney or have an active license in a state other than NC? Fill out this form to indicate your interest in volunteering or contact Max Gibbons at max@pisgahlegal.org. Learn more about our EAGLE Program here.
Ready to close a pro bono case?
Click here for case closing forms.
Have Questions?
Contact Julia Horrocks via email or call 828-210-3435.
North Carolina ethics guidelines suggest that attorneys in our state aspire to provide 50 hours of pro bono services per year to people who cannot afford an attorney.

We are grateful to our Housing Heroes who provide pro bono legal help to low-income tenants to prevent eviction and homelessness. Pictured are: (clockwise from top left) Bo Carpenter, Dale Curriden, Vann Vogel, Esther Manheimer, Johanna Fowler, Coalter Lathrop, and Elizabeth Newman.