Mountain Area Volunteer Lawyer (MAVL) Program

Mountain Area Volunteer Lawyer Program

Private attorneys with a NC law license provide generous pro bono service through The Mountain Area Volunteer Lawyer (MAVL) Program, which is a long-time partnership between the local bar and Pisgah Legal Services.

There are many ways to volunteer. Whether you have an hour once a quarter to provide advice or want to take on an extended case, you can make a real difference in the lives of our neighbors in need.

Volunteers provide advice, brief consultation and representation/extended services to Pisgah Legal Services clients in the following areas of law:

  • Protective Orders & Other Family Law for Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault & Child Abuse Victims
  • Landlord/Tenant Law (evictions & substandard housing)
  • Bankruptcy, Consumer Law & Debtor’s Rights/Debt Relief
  • Wills/Advanced Directives
  • Disability/SSI/Medicaid
  • Guardianship
  • Tax Law
  • Expunction of Criminal Records
  • Immigration Remedies
  • Powers of Attorney for Immigrant Clients

Benefits to our volunteer attorneys:

  • Personal reward of improving lives, helping people in crisis and strengthening our community,
  • Develop expertise, skills and contacts that can benefit your own law practice,
  • Receive training and mentoring from experienced attorneys,
  • Make connections that can bring you business/paying clients,
  • Connect with your colleagues in the bar.

We know you’re busy and we want to make pro bono service easy, effective and meaningful!

Pisgah Legal Services does an initial intake with the clients we refer through our pro bono program to help ensure that they meet income-eligibility guidelines and have a priority legal need. Volunteer attorneys select the types of cases they will accept and review proposed case referrals prior to accepting a case.

Interested in volunteering? Contact Julia Horrocks at 828-210-3435 or complete this form.