Emeritus Attorneys Giving Legal Expertise (EAGLE) Program

Pictured here are several retired attorneys Eunice Ward, Lois Penn and Julie Northup, along with interpreters and PLS staff attorney Jacob Oakes at a legal clinic for immigrant families.
Are you a retired attorney? Or an attorney licensed in a state other than North Carolina? Did you know that you can provide pro bono legal assistance to Pisgah Legal Services’ clients?
The North Carolina Bar offers a pro bono license to retired attorneys and attorneys licensed in other states, who want to volunteer with a nonprofit legal aid provider, like Pisgah Legal Services (PLS). With this license:
- No dues or CLEs are required.
- Pisgah Legal Services provides malpractice insurance.
- Pisgah Legal offers training, mentoring, and supervision.
- PLS offers space to meet with clients.
Here are some ways EAGLE volunteers are standing for justice and dignity for our neighbors living in poverty:
- Conducting intake interviews with PLS clients;
- Providing legal advice by phone on landlord/tenant and consumer matters;
- Doing Powers of Attorney clinics with immigrant parents:
- Creating advanced directives for low-income seniors;
- Working with PLS staff attorneys at small claims court to assist tenants facing eviction;
- Helping our neighbors clear criminal records from long ago in order to secure a job, education or housing;
- Helping domestic violence victims fill out paperwork to file for divorce from their abuser.
For more information or to inquire about joining the EAGLEs, please contact Max Gibbons at 828-210-3784.