Supreme Court Strikes Down Eviction Moratorium
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On Thursday, August 26th, the Supreme Court struck down the Biden Administration’s eviction moratorium. Evictions for non-payment of rent due to COVID can now go forward. Thanks to community support, Pisgah Legal is prepared for a flood of eviction cases as thousands of renters are at risk of homelessness during a surge in COVID-19 cases.
What You Need to Know:
- If you are at risk of eviction, contact Pisgah Legal at 828-253-0406 immediately.
- If you live in Buncombe County and need Rental Assistance, call Buncombe County DHHS at 828-250-5500 to apply.
- If you live outside of Buncombe County and need rental assistance, apply for NC HOPE or go to www.rebuild.nc.gov/hope-program.
- A court order is necessary to evict someone in North Carolina. It is not advisable for someone to move out prior to a court order unless they have consulted with an attorney first.
Categories: Housing Assistance