Spread the word: expanded Child Tax Credits can make a big difference!

Anne Salter, Pisgah Legal managing attorney, spoke with Asheville FM about recent tax benefits that can potentially put thousands of dollars in families pockets! Checks for $250-$300 per child will be sent to qualifying families starting July, if the IRS has their correct information!

The tax deadline is extended to May 17th and we encourage people to file taxes even if they haven’t filed before due to low income. This will ensure access to the stimulus payments and Child Tax Credits provided in the American Rescue Plan Act.  Email EITC@pisgahlegal.org and we will send you a free link that walks you through how to file your taxes.  Filing extensions are available and no penalties will be incurred if no taxes are due.

We are grateful for the funding support of Wells Fargo for Pisgah Legal’s EITC program.

Listen to the full interview