

The Asheville Chamber named PLS the “Good Health Good Business of the Year Award” recipient for Pisgah’s work to guide more than 1,400 local people through the new Health Insurance Marketplace created by the Affordable Care. PLS helped thousands more people learn about the benefits of affordable health insurance options through mailings, outreach to groups, and the media. Watch the video.


The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina presented its Chairman’s Award to PLS as a nonprofit from the 18-county mountain region honored for overall excellence and innovative and viable programs.


The N.C. Bar Association bestowed the Chief Justice Award to the The Mountain Area Volunteer Lawyer Project, which PLS administers. The program has received this award three times, most recently in 2007, in recognition of volunteer lawyers’ exemplary service to PLS’ low-income clients.

PLS Executive Director James Barrett was chosen for the T. Kennon Roberson Award for Management Excellence in Non-Profit Health and Human Services in recognition of his leadership.


The N.C. Center for Nonprofits selected Pisgah Legal Services for the N.C. Nonprofit Sector Stewardship Award. PLS received this statewide award in recognition of its stewardship of resources, direct services and advocacy, and exemplary record of collaboration.