Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention

Pisgah Legal Services helps victims of domestic violence take legal action to escape abuse and rebuild their lives and financial stability. This includes:

  • Intimate partner violence, including stalking and harassment
  • Family and household violence, including elder abuse
  • Child abuse and maltreatment
  • Hate crimes
  • Human trafficking

Pisgah Legal staff and attorneys help improve safety and provide services to increase independence from abusers, including but not limited to:

  • Protection orders, such as 50Bs and 50Cs
  • Child custody and child support
  • Divorce and separation
  • Income maintenance and division of assets
  • Housing, debt and consumer issues

Our attorneys are experienced in family law and work on behalf of individual clients. They also work to change things on a broader level for low-income victims of domestic violence through advocacy across North Carolina.

PLS works in collaboration with domestic violence prevention agencies, shelters, law enforcement and other partners in eleven WNC counties. This includes working at these Family Justice Centers and Resource Centers to provide coordinated services under one roof for survivors:

Buncombe County Family Justice Center
Henderson County Family Justice Center
Transylvania Family Resource Center

Do You Need Help?

Apply online  for services or call PLS at (828) 253-0406 or toll-free at (800) 489-6144.


Pam came to Pisgah Legal Services after her husband threw her against a wall and broke her shoulder. She lost her job because she couldn’t work.

PLS attorneys helped her obtain alimony and the health insurance and care she needed to heal from her injuries and start a new life free from abuse.