Programs & Initiatives

 Programs & Initiatives at Pisgah Legal Services

Children’s Law – Helps disadvantaged children avoid homelessness, escape abuse/maltreatment, and access essential services, such as medical care, childcare, and education.

Client & Community Resource Team – Provides comprehensive, holistic case management services to clients with services focusing on housing, transportation, domestic violence prevention and resources primarily through the Healthy Opportunities Pilot.

Community Economic Development – Increases jobs and affordable housing through advocacy and by providing technical, legal assistance to support and build capacity of nonprofits, faith groups, small businesses, and local governments.

Consumer Law – Defends consumer rights, addresses fraud, and stops predatory lending practices by protecting clients’ limited income and resources from unfair debt collection.

Disaster Recovery – Helps people recovering from Hurricane Helene with disaster-related issues including FEMA applications, and legal issues such as housing problems, FEMA appeals, homeowners insurance denials, and consumer protection against frauds and scams.

Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention – Helps survivors of domestic violence and/or sexual assault take legal action to escape abuse and rebuild their lives and financial stability.

Elder Law – Helps seniors live independently in their homes for as long as possible. Protects seniors from financial or physical abuse or harassment and assists with end-of-life planning.

Expunction and Driver’s License Restoration – Clears criminal records, restores driver’s licenses and removes barriers to employment, housing, education, and benefits.

Health Care and Income Security – Obtains and protects public benefits for people with low incomes, including SNAP, SSI/SSDI, Medicaid and Social Security. Assists Medicaid beneficiaries and applicants to protect Medicaid rights through legal advice and representation.

Homelessness Prevention – Prevents families and individuals from losing their homes to eviction or foreclosure, improves existing housing conditions, and stabilizes housing that is affordable.

Justice for All (Assisting Immigrants) – Helps eligible immigrants in WNC work legally and secure legal status, and addresses other basic needs. Provides legal documents to address cases of family separation.

Medical-Legal Partnership – Helps medical patients address legal issues that impact “social determinants” that impact their health, such as domestic violence, housing, or crushing debt.

Mountain Area Volunteer Lawyer – Administers a volunteer lawyer program by screening and referring income-eligible clients to pro bono attorneys; also provides training and co-counseling support to volunteers handling poverty law matters.

North Carolina Medicaid Ombudsman – In partnership with the Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy and Legal Aid of NC, provides information and advocacy to Medicaid managed care beneficiaries.

Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC)Offers tax controversy services to low-income and English as a second language (ESL) taxpayers through education and representation in federal and state tax disputes.

Veterans Law – Assists homeless or otherwise vulnerable military veterans by obtaining or maintaining stable housing, securing disability benefits, and accessing quality health care and health insurance.

WNC Health and Economic Opportunity – Helps people enroll in Affordable Care Act health insurance plans and helps low-income families gain access to increased income through the Earned Income Tax Credit, ACA Tax Credit, and Child Tax Credit.