Children’s Law

Pisgah Legal Services provides legal assistance to help children of families with low incomes:

  • Helps children avoid homelessness through prevention of eviction and foreclosure. Research shows that when a child moves and changes schools mid-year, he/she loses an average of four months of academic progress. Preventing homelessness also prevents health problems and family instability. 
  • Helps stop and prevent child abuse. Child abuse can negatively affect every area of child development, including brain development, and mental and physical health. 
  • Helps children escape domestic violence. Domestic violence has devastating effects on children’s well-being, and children who experience violence in their homes are more likely to attempt suicide and abuse drugs. With increased economic stress caused by pandemic job losses, there is the potential for an increased risk of incidents of domestic violence. 
  • Stabilizes the families and living situations of children through custody, guardianships, parental visitation, or other means. 

Our attorneys are experienced in family law and work on behalf of individual clients; they also work to change things on a broader level for struggling families with children through advocacy and community collaboration.


Do You Need Help?

Apply online  for services or call Pisgah Legal at (828) 253-0406 or toll-free at (800) 489-6144.

When Steven’s daughter, “Anna,” came for a visit, she begged her dad, “Please don’t send me back home.”

Anna told Steven that her mom’s new live-in boyfriend was hurting her. After some online research, Steven was furious to learn that Anna had been living with a convicted sex offender.

A Pisgah Legal Attorney  helped Steven and his new wife gain primary custody of Anna. She also reported the boyfriend to the authorities who sent him back to jail for failing to register at his new address.