Leave A Legacy

How Do You Want to be Remembered?

By making a gift to the Pisgah Legal endowment or by establishing a planned gift, you are leaving a lasting personal legacy in support of justice. You are creating a permanent testament to the values that are important to you.

 Endowment Giving

Our endowment creates a sustainable stream of reliable financial support. By supporting the endowment, you are making a lasting investment in Pisgah Legal Service’s vision of a community where all people have access to justice. Your gift today to the endowment is a way for your annual support of Pisgah Legal to be sustained in perpetuity.

 Planned Giving

You can make a gift that meets your needs, assets and personal and financial goals. Here are two simple ways that you can include Pisgah Legal in your estate plan:


Many friends choose to leave a donation to Pisgah Legal Services in their wills and trusts as a simple way of building a legacy of justice.

Beneficiary Designation

You can name Pisgah Legal Services as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, retirement plan or revocable trust.

Learn more: Legacy Giving Brochure.

Pisgah Legal’s Legacy for Justice Society

Pisgah Legal’s Legacy Society is a generous and compassionate group of people who have supported the endowment or included PLS in their estate plans.


  • Making a difference for years to come
  • Joining PLS legacy donors for a special gatherings throughout the year
  • Recognition in PLS in print materials and at events

If you have already included PLS in your estate plans, please consider completing a Signed Statement of Intent.

For more information, please contact Director of Development Ally Wilson at ally@pisgahlegal.org or 828.210.3444.