#Giving Tuesday Nov. 27th

In response to the consumer frenzy that is Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday was created as a global day of giving to non-profits who are making a positive impact in our communities. This year, when you give to…

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Pisgah Legal is Part of Pathway to Prevention

Pisgah Legal Services, along with Our VOICE, Helpmate and the Mountain Child Advocacy Center, is proud to be part of a collaborative effort to address and prevent domestic violence, sexual violence and child maltreatment. Thanks to a groundbreaking grant from Community Foundation of WNC’s Women for…

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Fall 2018 Newsletter

Find out how Angela and Josh both found the help they needed at Pisgah Legal Services, as well as all the details on our upcoming Poverty Forum, the terrific volunteers and donors honored this summer, and how one Asheville couple…

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Lawsuit Attacks Constitutionality of ACA

A new lawsuit in Texas is claiming that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is unconstitutional. People with pre-existing conditions are especially fearful of losing their health care. In this WLOS story, see how important health insurance is to one of…

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Spring Newsletter 2018

Find out here what Pisgah Legal is doing to serve immigrant families and how you can help, what happened at the 40th Anniversary Celebration, how a local cyclist rode from the mountains to the sea to support PLS, and much…

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