Program to prevent NC foreclosures about to disappear
Bethann and Steve Harwood talk with Pisgah Legal Services Senior Staff Attorney Bill Whalen (right) who has worked with them on the Hardest Hit Fund program. The foreclosure prevention program is due to expire at the end of July. Colby Rabon / Carolina Public Press
The N.C. Foreclosure Prevention Fund will no longer accept applications for assistance after July 31 due to limited funds. This fund, created in 2010, was used to help homeowners avoid foreclosure. Pisgah Legal Services Senior Staff Attorney Bill Whalen was recently interviewed by Carolina Public Press about the loss of this important prevention program. “The Hardest Hit program is like an oasis of hope for many people who have no other way of saving their home due to a hardship they’ve been through in life that’s got them behind the eight-ball,” Whalen said. Read the full story here.