2024 Justice Forum

CANCELLED as of 9/30/24. Thank you for understanding that we must prioritize the immediate needs in our mountain communities in the wake of Hurricane Helene. 

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This year’s Forum focuses on the lives of immigrants, the national immigration picture, and Pisgah Legal’s work supporting immigrant families.

Marielena Hincapié is a nationally respected leader and legal strategist in the social justice movement. Currently the Distinguished Immigration Scholar at Cornell University, Marielena is the former executive director of the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) and the NILC Immigrant Justice Fund (IJF).

She is a key figure in immigration policy, leading transformative initiatives such as DACA and the #ImmigrantsAreEssential campaign. An immigrant from Colombia, Marielena brings a bilingual and bicultural perspective to her work. She has been recognized with numerous awards and serves on the Board of Trustees for The David and Lucile Packard Foundation.

Thanks to our 2024 Justice Forum Sponsors

Champions for Justice

Partners for Justice

Brevard Watch Party
Mercy Urgent Care