2020 Justice Forum Follow-up
Thank you for joining us for our 10th Annual Justice Forum on Thursday, October 1st. That evening, we were motivated, humbled and energized by Clint Smith. The power of his words resonated even in the virtual space and moved us as a community to act, advocate and inspire to create a more equitable world.
“Poverty is a choice that this country makes every single day. We do not have to have millions of people living in poverty and yet we do. Our politicians make choices every day that exacerbate the harmful, difficult economic conditions that people live in. It doesn’t have to be that way. There’s plenty of money and we could make a different set of choices.”
Clint Smith, from Pisgah Legal’s Justice Forum.
For links to the Justice Forum Program, ways to stay connected to Clint, and a list of our sponsors, go to our Justice Forum page.